Marco Berrettoni

Marco Berrettoni

Date of Birth


When did you join the band?

Musical influences (artists and albums)
Children of bodom, Angra, Celesty, Selvans, Draugr, Ensiferum, Wintersun…albums?? too much by at least: Are you dead yet, Rebirth, Wintersun, De Ferro Italico, Lupercalia

Best concert you’ve ever attended
Labyrinth opening at Iron Maiden!! (I don’t remember when ahah)

The first time you got your hands on an instrument?
When I was 7!

Your favorite hobby (besides music)?

Favorite movie?
The Lord of the Rings

Favorite food and drink
“Arrosticini” (check it out) and Pizza

Favorite Dragonhammer song?
The end of the world

What do you sing in the shower?
I don’t sing in the shower! 😊

Do you have a particular ritual before entering the stage and to defeat anxiety?
I usually prefer not to think at the songs of the setlist!

Favorite and least favorite aspect of being a musician
Live experience and touring.. and continuos practicing!

Finally, do you want to say something to your fans? A slogan an advice?
The most important thing is to have fun and to spread energy!